
criminal act 犯罪行為。

criminal action

The judiciary restoring nature takes restoring original social order as purpose , let people heavier than compensating to what the victim suffers injury as well as to the criminal act ' s reform , is to react to the criminal act with systematicness response 摘要恢復性司法以恢復原有社會秩序為目的,著重于對被害人所受傷害的補償以及對犯罪行為人的改造,是對犯罪行為作出的系統性反應。

As a tightly knit group of trusted associates and a criminal organisaton , it is a seriously matter to endangers the social fabric and the economy of china ' s society by using violence , threat or other criminal act 黑社會性質組織作為一種有組織的犯罪組織,它們以暴力、威脅或者其他手段進行各種違法犯罪活動,已經嚴重危害了社會主義市場經濟秩序和社會生活秩序。

These rogue executives ' alleged lapses or criminal acts included fraudulent accounting , tampering with financial records , destroying incriminating documents and other serious breaches of sound accounting and regulatory practices 這些高級行政人員所涉嫌的失誤或犯罪行為,包括會計欺詐手段、篡改賬目記錄、銷毀足以指控他們的文件和嚴重違反會計和管理條例。

Police have remained vigilant to the possibility of increased criminal acts by such persons throughout the year and have conducted frequent operations of various types to prevent iis entering hk and to arrest those who have entered 警方全年保持戒備,以防此類人士干犯刑事罪行有所增加,并經常采取各項行動,逮捕已抵港的非法入境?及防止他們進入本港。

Both before and after reunification , there have been instances in which both hong kong and another country had jurisdiction over the same criminal act committed in hong kong , but the cases were tried elsewhere 香港回歸前后均不乏以下事例,就是香港與另一國家同時對某項在香港觸犯的刑事罪行有司法管轄權,但案件結果并非在香港審理。

Article 89 the limitation period for prosecution shall be counted from the date the crime is committed ; if the criminal act is of a continual or continuous nature , it shall be counted from the date the criminal act is terminated 第八十九條追訴期限從犯罪之日起計算;犯罪行為有連續或者繼續狀態的,從犯罪行為終了之日起計算。

Those who take advantage of the disability of the disabled to infringe upon their personal rights or other legitimate rights and interests and thus commit a criminal act will be punished severely according to law 對于利用殘疾人的殘疾,侵犯其人身權利或者其他合法權益,構成犯罪行為的,依照刑法有關規定從重處罰。

The foreword introduces the objective and significance of writing the paper , domestic research situations about the organized criminal acts in the nature of criminal syndicate and the related major problems 引言介紹了本文的寫作目的與意義,國內對黑社會性質組織犯罪的研究現狀以及本文所涉及的主要問題。

The duress in british and america criminal law is a seemingly criminal act that is carried out under the stress of others or circumstance , but in reality it has legal grounds for defence 英美刑法中的被迫行為是指行為人在他人或環境脅迫下所實施的形似犯罪,但是根據一定條件可以進行合法辯護的行為。

In view of two layers , the prototype of the crime and the model of the crime , the author separates “ act “ into three concepts : natural act , criminal act and act in criminal law 筆者從犯罪原型與犯罪模型的兩個不同層面,將“行為”分為“自然行為” 、 “犯罪行為”和“刑法上的行為”三個概念。

Criminal proceedings against an offender are one of the most effective interventions to be made , but it is equally important to address the conducive environment and causes that lead to a criminal act taking place 同時,對付助長歪風的環境及關注導致刑事罪行發生的成因,都是無容忽視的課題。

Article 3 for acts that are explicitly defined as criminal acts in law , the offenders shall be convicted and punished in accordance with law ; otherwise , they shall not be convicted or punished 第三條法律明文規定為犯罪行為的,依照法律定罪處刑;法律沒有明文規定為犯罪行為的,不得定罪處刑。

“ there wasn ' t any criminal act involved that the officer could see that would require any criminal investigation , “ master sgt ( 8 ) . charles phillips said . “ dhs may follow up . “這件事并不涉及任何犯罪行為,沒有犯罪調查的必要”警官查爾斯?菲力普說: “但是人類服務部會繼續關注。 ”

Not only might that reduce the frequency of criminal acts , goes the argument , but it may also cut the number of accidental deaths and suicides 這樣做,不僅能夠減少頻發的槍擊事件(盡管是否是由于槍支泛濫而引起這樣的暴力事件仍處在爭議中) ,也能夠減少因槍支造成的意外死亡和自殺。

Civil lawsuit system attached to criminal lawsuit system , which is a rather controversial issue aims at solving the civil responsibilities relevant to criminal acts 刑事附帶民事訴訟制度是一項解決與犯罪行為相關聯的民事責任的訴訟制度,是一項頗有爭議的制度。

Secondly discuss the determination of the criminal act of the crime of kidnapping and hold that the criminal act of the crime of kidnapping is a single act : kidnapping 接著論述綁架罪犯罪行為的認定,認為綁架罪的犯罪行為表現為單一行為即綁架行為。

Persons who are drug addicts ; persons who have committed serious criminal acts , including crimes involving moral turpitude , drug trafficking , and prostitution or procuring 犯有嚴重刑事罪行者,包括牽涉道德淪喪、毒品走私、賣淫及介紹賣淫等罪行;

The state shall protect the informant and reward the persons who have rendered meritorious service by informing against criminal acts committed against the control of guns 國家對檢舉人給予保護,對檢舉違反槍支管理犯罪活動有功的人員,給予獎勵。

To cover up his criminal acts , ma even instructed his subordinates to collect goods for him , or simply asked the operators to make deliveries to his office in person 馬某為掩飾其罪行,還常指使其下屬代為取貨,或知會攤販親自送貨至其辦公室。